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Make Informed Decisions to

Expand into New Markets

Maximise Market


Brian McNulty & Associates is a strategic marketing consultancy specialising in emerging and frontier markets. 


A clear understanding of market structure and idiosyncracies is essential when expanding geographically.


Using research based insight, we advise organisations that are looking to develop their business in new markets. We provide the information and analysis to help make informed decisions.


Founder Brian McNulty has over twenty years experience working with multi-nationals and SMEs assessing opportunities for growth and investment.



Discover the comprehensive list of industries that we’ve worked for. MORE...



Learn more about how our range of services can help you. MORE...



Read more about our specialism in International markets. MORE...

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ABOUT Brian McNulty


Focus on emerging & frontier markets 

Brian McNulty of Brian McNulty & Associates

Brian McNulty & Associates is managed by founder Brian McNulty. 


Brian McNulty is an international strategic marketing consultant with over 20 years’ experience researching dairy markets, predominantly in Africa and the Middle East. Based in Dublin, Ireland he has been a full time consultant since 1999, with his own consultancy since 2011. 

Brian has personally completed field research based assignments in forty-seven countries and has established an extensive network of consultants and contacts in Africa and the Middle East. While his particular focus has been on the dairy industry, Brian has worked on a variety of industries from beverages to concrete; from furniture to seafood and from packaging to clothing. 


Following roles within industry, government support agencies and international consultancy, he set up Brian McNulty & Associates (BMNA) - a strategic marketing consultancy specialising in emerging and frontier markets. Using research based insight, it helps organisations seeking to develop their business in new markets. 


A key strength of Brian McNulty & Associates' is the ability to visit a market - regardless of industry and country - conduct detailed field research and complete a comprehensive, insightful and actionable market report. One that provides deep understanding of the market and enables organisations to get the important strategic decisions right. In market associates are employed in many markets which is particularly valuable when travel is not an option. 


Read more about the industries we have served - INDUSTRIES

or the services we provide - SERVICES



Turning intelligence into insight

for maximum impact. 

Data Easily Explained

Answers to your crucial strategic questions are attainable based on our unique trade market research-based insight. We help our clients make informed decisions by conveying the essence of a market or market opportunity in easy to assimilate reports.


The economies of emerging and frontier markets are highly varied - industries tend to evolve differently in each. Our wide experience helps to identify key features of a market and communicate important messages in a clear, succinct way. 


Unique Process

We have developed a unique process for studying unfamiliar markets. Our wide experience of different markets means we are quick to identify and understand critical features of an industry and market, to understand how it works and how it differs from other markets. Excellent communications skills and wide research experience allows us to get maximum information from industry sources and to communicate the findings in easy-to-read reports. 


Proven Track Record

We have a proven track record of helping clients get the big decisions right thanks to our experience of analysing market opportunities and conditions in over 70 countries.


Ability to Connect Strategy to Planning

One of our key strengths lies in connecting a client’s strategic vision with a development plan for long-term growth. We are experienced marketers who truly understand the theory of marketing and strategy as well as its practical application. 


Customer Service is Key

Pride in our work and customer service is at the core of what we do as evidenced by our high level of repeat customers. 


Local Knowledge

For over 20 years, we have conducted research and consulting projects building relationships in emerging and frontier markets. In markets where we have not yet worked, we know how to establish relationships and where to get local knowledge and insight. It’s one of our key strengths. Regardless of the challenges of the research or the target market, our guarantee to you is one of a consistently high standard of work. 

WHY Brian McNulty?
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Expertise, experience and a proven process 

Brian McNulty & Associates helps multi-nationals, corporates and SMEs around the world expand or enter new markets using a proprietary, proven research based process.


High quality trade research is a relatively low cost means of acquiring the insight to inform decisions. The better the market information available to inform a decision maker, the better a market related decision will be. Conversely choosing the wrong market, partner or strategy will be much more expensive to correct than getting it right first time.


Over twenty years experience in research and consulting means we know where to go, who to ask, what to ask and how to ask it, to address a client’s brief – regardless of industry or country.


We provide a range of services including:


  • Feasibility studies

  • Business plans

  • Analysis of market structure and dynamics

  • Performance improvement studies

  • IPO support

  • Market selection

  • Market entry strategies

  • Partner and distributor search

  • Export market identification

  • Measuring market size

  • Competitor analysis


Projects are by nature client confidential. However, here is a sample of projects undertaken by Brian McNulty in the past. All projects listed involved field research. References are available if required. 


  • Studies of fat filled milk powder (FFMP) markets in selected west African countries

  • Studies of opportunities for dairy ingredients in selected MENA markets

  • See additional dairy project examples on separate page

  • Study of opportunities for Scottish farmed salmon in the foodservice sector in France

  • An assessment of the market position of a leading fast-food chain in Saudi Arabia in preparation for an IPO.

  • A study of the water market in Kuwait for a private equity house considering an investment. 

  • Study of the Egyptian market for edible oils for a major multinational food company.

  • Detailed studies of the sugar markets in Yemen, Morocco and Sudan for a company considering regional investment options. 

  • Study of the poultry market in Saudi Arabia and the client's position in that market as part of a fund raising exercise.

  • A study of opportunities in nine national laundry detergents and home-care liquids markets for a leading detergents manufacturer.

  • An assessment of the Saudi Arabian construction market for an IPO by a leading building contractor. 

  • A study of the market for ready-mix concrete in Riyadh and the supply of related input aggregates for a company considering an investment. 

  • Development of market entry strategy in Europe and North America for a Chinese producer of clothing.


We work closely with our clients to link their strategic vision with practical applications of that vision in new markets. Our ultimate objective is to support the long-term goal of our client companies, by providing market intelligence and insight. We have the expertise, experience and proven process to gather the right information leading to more informed and better decision making for our clients. 



Diverse range of expertise


Brian McNulty & Associates have particular focus on the dairy industry, having completed dairy projects in fifty seven countries across retail, ingredients and foodservice channels. Read more about our dairy industry expertise HERE...


Other Food and FMCG 

  • Beverages

  • Seafood

  • Poultry

  • Sauces & spreads

  • Ingredients

  • Snack foods

  • Sugar

  • Edible Oil

  • Laundry detergents

  • Homecare liquids



  • Construction contracting,

  • Ready mix concrete

  • Pre-cast concrete



  • Clothing

  • Furniture

  • Retail Industry

  • Food Service Sector

  • Fast food industry

  • Packaging


Discover more about the non dairy projects we have undertaken in our Services page   HERE... 


Expertise, experience and a proven process 


Brian McNulty & Associates specialise in international dairy markets.  

Dairy markets studies have been conducted in fifty seven countries for a wide range of clients and client types. Projects have been completed across all dairy product categories in retail (liquid milk, concentrated milk, fermented products, cheese, processed cheese, milk powder, butter and infant formula) ingredients (including WMP, SMP, FFMP, WPC, MPC, MPI, WP, DWP, AMF, EMC, casein) and foodservice channels.  


A sample of our Dairy projects include:


  • Study of Irish organic dairy products market for company considering acquisition.

  • Studies of fat filled milk powder (FFMP) market in selected West African countries (Senegal, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire and Mauritania).

  • A study of the cheese market in South Korea.

  • Studies of dairy ingredients use in the processed cheese industry in selected markets in the Middle East and North Africa.

  • A study of the dairy and non dairy beverage market in Armenia

  • Implications of sustainability issues for the dairy industry in Saudi Arabia.

  • A study of the market for dairy ingredients in the GCC.

  • An assessment of dairy investment opportunities in selected markets in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique).

  • A supply chain analysis of the UAE dairy industry (with a focus on water utilisation)

  • A study of opportunities in the European butter market

  • An assessment of the market for cream cheese in Saudi Arabia

  • Studies of the dairy markets in Turkey, Bangladesh and Pakistan

  • Study of the dairy markets in the Levant (Syria, Jordan and Lebanon)

  • A study of dairy re-packers in selected markets in the Middle East.


Projects are by nature client confidential. However client reference are available if required. 


Brian McNulty & Associates

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